Evaluation of Thrombomodulin Level in Periodontal Pockets

2020 ARC Journal of Dental Science  
This study aims to investigate thrombomodulin level in periodontal pockets with respect to its depth. This study included 27 patients, 13 women and 14 men. Probing depth with 5 mm or more were recorded as deep pockets and probing depth ˂ 5 mm recorded as shallow pockets. Gingival crevicular fluid was collected with paper strips from 3 deep and 3 shallow pockets of canine to canine tooth in the same patients. The fluid volume in the periopaper strip was calculated with Periotron 8000.
more » ... lin levels were analyzed byenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. There was a significant difference between shallow and deep pockets with respect to the thrombomodulin levels. Increasing of thrombomodulin levels were correlated with shallow pockets, deep pockets and gingival index scores. Thrombomodulin level increases in bleeding sites and inflammation sites of gingival crevicular fluid.
doi:10.20431/2456-0030.0501001 fatcat:jkbradwwhrcj5a2vtopo4xuec4