Iris Recognition in Postmortem Enucleated Eyes

Sashi K. Saripalle, Adam McLaughlin, Reza Derakhshani
2020 Biometrics and Electronic Signatures  
This paper presents a comprehensive multispectral study of iris recognition on postmortem enucleated eyes over a period of three days. An off the shelf iris recognition methodology is employed to analyze the biometric capability of iris in the post mortem setting. We observed that iris patterns of enucleated eyes can provide biometric matches with no false accepts for up to 164 hours after death, albeit with high false rejection rates. We also present our observations on the effects of the
more » ... onment and other confounding factors that may affect the performance of postmortem iris recognition, with recommendations for rehydration of specimen to regain postmortem biometric utility.
dblp:conf/biosig/SaripalleMD20 fatcat:e2x54itduvgcfn2tpcrk72wzom