E° of Ag/Ag20x, 0x2- in Aqueous and Dioxane —Water Media at a Number of Temperatures and the Related Thermodynamic Quantities

1988 Zenodo  
Department of Chemistry, Patna University, Patna-800 005 Manuscript received 23 March 1988, accepted 22 May 1988 From e.m.f. measurements with cell (C-3) H,(Pt) 1 NaHOx, Na,Ox, x % dioxane, m. m, (10D- re) % water, Ag,Ox Ag where, x=0, 10, 20 and 30, E° of Ag/Ag,Ox, OK"- his been measured at 288.15, 298 15, 308.15 and 318,15 K. Over the temperature range E° values in absolute volt are given by 0.4818 - 8.8833 x 10-4 (t - 25)- 9 x 10-6 - 25)2 -9.167 x 10-7 (t - 25)" for x=0, 0.4793 -3.8166 x
more » ... (t-25)-37x10-6 (t- 25)6- 25.*31x 0-7 (1-25)2 for x=10, 0.4610- 1.d267 x 10-* - 25)+55. x 10-4 (t 25)' - 1 833 x 10-1 (t 25 ' for x-20, 0.4353 - x 10-11 (t - 25)+7.5 x 10-6 (t -25)' - 1 5x 10-7 (t 25)' for x = 30. where t is the temperature (°C). The values of the thermodynamic quantities AG°, ALP and AS° for the reaction Ag,Ox(s)+ 2e =2Ag s)+Ox" have been determined for each of these solutions at the above temperatures.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6077108 fatcat:luc7p67fdfhptbxm3jl3kqbl3e