A07-5 The application of ECGSIM in exploring the expression of ARVC/D type of conduction disturbances in the 12 lead ECG — A preliminary study?

A. Pages, G. Nahas, N. Bonnet, A. van Oosterom, G. Fontaine
2003 Europace  
EUROPACE between systolic aortic pressure and stroke volume) and Ees (ratio between systolic aortic pressure and end systolic volume index). VAC was calculated as the ratio between Ea and Ees (normal value 5 1). Ejection fraction and end systolic/diastolic volumes were also measured. Results A strong correlation (r=0,849) was observed when QRS was plotted against VAC, but not with Ea or Ees independently considered. As shown in the figure, for group C, VAC values were normal. By contrast, VAC
more » ... sulted to be increased in group A/B, raising progressively according to QRS duration.
doi:10.1016/eupace/4.supplement_2.b11 fatcat:wvkltixxmvdablugzwgjstgvwe