The Use of Bioflocculant and Bioflocculant-ProducingBacillus mojavensisStrain 32A to Synthesize Silver Nanoparticles

Sahar Zaki, Marwa Etarahony, Marwa Elkady, Desouky Abd-El-Haleem
2014 Journal of Nanomaterials  
It is preferable to use an organism to produce more than one product at the same time. So, the aim of this study was to investigate the ability of bioflocculant-producingBacillus mojavensisstrain 32A as a nanosilver synthesizer beside bioflocculant production. To achieve this target, three media, nutrient broth, bioflocculant-producing medium, and pure bioflocculant, were tested. Produced nanosilver was characterized by UV-vis, XRD, and TEM. In all cases, the results demonstrated that UV-vis
more » ... wed a peak at ~420 nm corresponding to the plasmon absorbance of nanosilver. XRD spectrum exhibited 2θvalues corresponding to the silver nanocrystal that is produced in hexagonal and cubic crystal configurations. TEM confirmed formation, size, shape, and morphologies of nanosilver particles. The results emphasized that purified bioflocculant has the ability to produce anisotropy clusters of nanosilver ranging in size from 6 to 72 nm proving that the bioflocculant functioned as reducing and stabilizing agent in nanosilver synthesis.
doi:10.1155/2014/431089 fatcat:hzgkoxkrgzhe7afb4nchop5ilu