Protective effects of Celosia argentea Linn. Vitamin E and dexamethasone on radiation-induced damage on the developing rat cerebellum

Love Chioma Kanu, Olatunde Owoeye, Innocent Ohiorenuan Imosemi, Adelofolarin Obanishola Malomo
2019 Anatomy journal of Africa  
The potential neuroprotective effect of aqueous extract of Celosia argentea Linn (AECA), Vitamin E (Vit E) and Dexamethasone (Dexa) on radiation-induced damage on the developing rat cerebellum was studied. Forty-two female rats weighing between 147 g and 222 g were randomized into six groups (N=7). Control group – Group I, Irrad group – Group II, AECA group – Group III, AECA + Irrad group – Group IV, Vit E + Irrad group – Group V and Dexa+ Irrad group – Group VI. Rats were mated and pregnant
more » ... s were exposed to 2.5 Gy gamma radiation on gestation day 7. The administration of 400 mg/kg of AECA, 500 mg/kg of Vit E and 0.005 ml/rat of Dexa started from gestation day 1 till postnatal day 28. Postpartum, 5 pups from each group were exposed to behavioural and biochemical tests and then sacrificed. Brain tissue fixed in 10% formalin, processed by paraffin wax method was stained with H&E and Cresyl violet stains for histology. Radiation significantly (p<0.05) reduced gross, behavioural, histological and histomorphometric parameters, while eliciting oxidative stress relative to control group on post-natal days 7, 14, 21 and 28. Treatment with AECA, Vit E and Dexa with radiation significantly (p<0.05) reduced most of the alterations induced by radiation in the various parameters. This study confirmed development of oxidative stress in rat pups using single dose 2.5 Gy gamma-irradiation. The antioxidant properties of AECA and Vit E and the anti-inflammatory property of Dexa were able to mitigate the alterations in the developing rat brain parameters.Key words: Gamma-radiation, neuroprotective, plant products, rat brain.
doi:10.4314/aja.v8i2.190407 fatcat:s5em3tqmvnbqbf67qwxshnfzt4