Augmented Rehabilitation Program for Young Patients Following Total Hip Arthroplasty- Feasibility Study [post]

Ahmed M. Negm, Milad Yavarai, Gian S. Jhangri, Robert Haennel, C. Allyson Jones
2021 unpublished
Background: The increase rate seen in total hip arthroplasty (THA) for younger patients (< 60) has implications for future rehabilitation demands for primary and revision THA surgery. The primary objective is to examine the feasibility of a study comparing a 6-week post-operative rehabilitation program to usual care in patients ≤ 60 years undergoing elective unilateral THA. The secondary objectives are: 1) to explore the effect of a 6-week post-operative rehabilitation program designed for THA
more » ... atients ≤ 60 years on physical activity (PA), function and participants' satisfaction compared to age- and sex-matched control group received usual postoperative care at 12-week post-THA. 2) to examine the correlation between physical activity and self-reported pain and function.Methods: In this study, a cohort of THA candidates were recruited during their 6-week postoperative visit to their surgeons at a central intake clinic. The out-patient rehabilitation program, which was designed to improve function and increase activity, consisted of 12 structured exercise classes (2 hrs/class) on land and water over 6 weeks. Physical activity was assessed using Sense Wear Pro ArmbandTM [SWA]. Participants completed the Hip Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS), and THA satisfaction questionnaire before and immediately after the intervention.Results: Of the 24 participants recruited, 14 participants received the augmented rehabilitation, and 10 participants were in the control group. All the study participants in the control and intervention groups completed the baseline and follow-up assessments without adverse events. Thirteen out of the fourteen intervention group participants completed at least 80% of the intervention sessions. The intervention group took significantly more steps/day (mean difference = 2,440 steps/day, 95% CI= 1678, 4712) (p<0.05), at the follow-up compared to baseline. The intervention group had a higher mean change of number of weekly PA bouts than the control group. Within the intervention group, all HOOS subscales were significantly higher at the follow-up compared to baseline. However, the ADL subscale was the only significant difference seen with the control group.Conclusion: The study intervention and assessments were feasible and safe in patients ≤ 60 years undergoing elective unilateral THA.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:xbx2fxrdbra65igrxmhydunk7u