A Case of Myelolipoma with Bilateral Adrenal Hyperaldosteronism Cured after Unilateral Adrenalectomy

Megumi Inuzuka, Naohisa Tamura, Masakatsu Sone, Daisuke Taura, Takuhiro Sonoyama, Kyoko Honda, Katsutoshi Kojima, Yorihide Fukuda, Yoriko Ueda, Yui Yamashita, Eri Kondo, Go Yamada (+8 others)
2012 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
Myelolipomas are adrenal tumors composed of both adipose and hematopoietic tissues which are rarely associated with primary aldosteronism (PA). Here, we report a case of myelolipoma associated with PA. Aldosterone hypersecretion from bilateral adrenal glands had been confirmed by adrenal venous sampling and pathological analyses, but PA was clinically cured after surgical removal of the unilateral adrenal gland together with the myelolipoma that was not producing aldosterone. It is suggested
more » ... t myelolipomas may release some factors which stimulate aldosterone production in adrenal glands, although further investigation is necessary. Obesity-related hyperaldosteronism might in part participate in generation of hypertension in the present case.
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.51.5777 pmid:22382563 fatcat:5jybevws2neennscogps4qzpmy