The Current Medical Education System in the World

Nobuo Nara, Toshiya Suzuki, Shuji Tohda
2011 Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences  
To contribute to the innovation of the medical education system in Japan, we visited 35 medical schools and 5 institutes in 12 countries of North America, Europe, Australia and Asia in 2008-2010 and observed the education system. We met the deans, medical education committee and administration affairs and discussed about the desirable education system. We also observed the facilities of medical schools. Medical education system shows marked diversity in the world. There are three types of
more » ... ion course; non-graduate-entry program(non-GEP), graduate-entry program(GEP) and mixed program of non-GEP and GEP. Even in the same country, several types of medical schools coexist. Although the education methods are also various among medical schools, most of the medical schools have introduced tutorial system based on PBL or TBL and simulation-based learning to create excellent medical physicians. The medical education system is variable among countries depending on the social environment. Although the change in education program may not be necessary in Japan, we have to innovate education methods; clinical training by clinical clerkship must be made more developed to foster the training of the excellent clinical physicians, a n d t u t o r i a l e d u c a t i o n b y P B L o r T B L a n d simulation-based learning should be introduced more actively.
doi:10.11480/jmds.580207 fatcat:k2fs4xs4ircchmlrf3aetwit34