An effective time-domain based periodic steady-state solution algorithm

Qing Wang
Time-domain steady-state analysis of a class of nonlinear networks with periodic inputs is stud ied in this thesis. The problem is formulated as a particular type of the two-point boundary value (TPBV) problem. After treatment of the boundary conditions, the very efficient relax ation method is used to solve the problem. The relaxation matrix presented has a special band form, and a backward-computation plus forward-substitution algorithm is proposed to compute the correction of history
more » ... Since the direct inversion of the relaxation matrix is avoided, the algorithm requires minimal computational effort. The performance of the proposed method for steady-state analysis is demonstrated and compared with other methods for four examples: a linear RLC network, a nonlinear RLC network, one dc power supply circuit, and one rectifer circuit. The comparison among these methods shows that the proposed technique has a higher convergence rate and a wider convergence region than those of other methods.
doi:10.14288/1.0065197 fatcat:qfii5ih555c2tkqlgiec5ls6ma