Book review: Theology in an age of contingency

Veldsman D.
2020 Acta Theologica  
In the Introduction, they briefly indicate how they understand the concept and the background to the book, namely as the result of a research project related to the inaugural lecture of Hermans as extraordinary professor in Practical Theology and Missiology at the University of the Free State. The opening chapter is an elaborated version of his inaugural address and is structured according to the four tasks of Practical Theology, namely theological-normative, hermeneutic, pragmatic and
more » ... . As responses to the opening chapter, the ensuing eight chapters critically reflect on doing theology in an age of contingency, and are structured according to the four tasks. The theological-normative task, in relation to the challenge of contingency, is addressed in three chapters of the first section of the book, namely Rian Venter's Re-imagining God in an era of contingency (Chapter 2); Jaco Dreyer's Practical Theology and the human person in an age of
doi:10.18820/23099089/actat.v40i1.10 fatcat:u3p3b254fzdnnj2j2r7gzt54hi