NIST program for traceable power and energy measurements under non-sinusoidal waveform conditions

G.N. Stenbakken, T.L. Nelson, T.L. Waltrip, D.I. Bergman
2003 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37491)  
In response to industry requests to have calibration services for distorted power instrumentation, NIST is developing a new sampling system to provide this service. This development effort is aimed at providing calibration of instruments that will make measurements in accordance with the IEEE Trial Use Standard 1459-2000 on power measurements in distorted and unbalanced conditions. The system will make use of several NIST developed instruments and sensors.
doi:10.1109/pes.2003.1267137 fatcat:znku6qm775em3ak4cpka2jlwlu