Risk Communication of Chili Farmers, Case of Genteng Village Farmers, Sumedang District, West Java

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This paper aims at identifying the communication approach needed for chili farmers in an effort to minimize the risk of chili farming, using the case of farmers in Genteng Village, West Java Province, Indonesia. Departing from the issue of the importance of increasing the capacity of chili farmers to reduce their agricultural risks, this paper intends to elaborate qualitatively on main issues in risk of chili cultivation that are information that is an orientation for understanding the risks of
more » ... chili farmers; and risk communication practice among chili farmers. The main finding of this research is chilli farmers in Genteng Village, Sumedang Regency have tried to overcome various risks in their agricultural businesses, through efforts to understand all risks in chili farming. Information about the risks of chili farming flows between farmers, groups and extension institutions. There has been communication with various parties and manage those risks in groups. Nevertheless, a systematic risk communication did not exist that hinder farmers to effectively address the risk in chili farming.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1050.0982s919 fatcat:hfjv5x4d5zchfche6bcy6p3sfm