Influences of Gasification Temperature and Equivalence Ratio on Fluidized Bed Gasification of Raw and Torrefied Wood Wastes

Nur Ashikin Jamin, Suriyati Saleh, Noor Asma Fazli Abdul Samad
2020 Chemical Engineering Transactions  
Gasification of raw and torrefied wood wastes from municipal solid waste (MSW) were investigated in fluidized bed gasifier using air as gasifying agent. The effect of gasification temperature from 600 and 1000°C and the effect of equivalence ratio (ER) from 0.21 to 0.37 on syngas composition and gasification performance were studied. Based on gasification experimental results, the suitable operating condition of fluidized bed gasification is found at gasification temperature of 1000°C and ER of
more » ... 0.21. At this condition highest high heating value (HHV) of 5.78 and 5.71 MJ/Nm3, syngas yield of 2.77 and 2.57 Nm3/hr, cold gas efficiency (CGE) of 70.66% and 76.24%, carbon conversion (CC) of 77.17% and 77.83% were obtained for torrefied and raw wood wastes respectively. In terms of feedstocks, torrefied wood waste produces higher syngas yield and HHV compare to raw wood waste due to the presence more carbon content in the torrefied wood waste which ultimately produces more hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases. However higher CGE and CC are obtained for raw wood waste compare to torrefied wood waste indicating torrefied wood waste needs a longer conversion process compared to raw wood waste.
doi:10.3303/cet2080022 doaj:ae44b4a6f2104e7b87cb2a5c92be4542 fatcat:acuccny6tja65flpluggced7a4