Measuring segmented primary mirror WFE in the presence of vibration and thermal drift on the light-weighted JWST

Tony L. Whitman, Kenneth J. Dziak, Conrad Wells, Gene Olczak, Mark C. Clampin, Giovanni G. Fazio, Howard A. MacEwen, Jacobus M. Oschmann
2012 Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave  
The light-weighted design of the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) of the James Webb Telescope (JWST) leads to additional sensitivity to vibration from the ground -an important consideration to the measurement uncertainty of the wavefront error (WFE) in the primary mirror. Furthermore, segmentation of the primary mirror leads to rigid-body movements of segment areas in the WFE. The ground vibrations are minimized with modifications to the test facility, and by the architecture of the equipment
more » ... porting the load. Additional special test equipment (including strategically placed isolators, tunable mass dampers, and cryogenic magnetic dampers) mitigates the vibration and the response sensitivity before reaching the telescope. A multi-wavelength interferometer is designed and operated to accommodate the predicted residual vibration. Thermal drift also adds to the measurement variation. Test results of test equipment components, measurement theory, and fmite element analysis combine to predict the test uncertainty in the future measurement of the primary mirror. The vibration input to the finite element model comes from accelerometer measurements of the facility with the environmental control pumps operating. One'ofthe isolators have been built and tested to validate the dynamic performance. A preliminary model of the load support equipment and the OTE with the Integrated Science Instrument Module (lSIM) is complete. The performance of the add-on dampers have been established in previous applications. And operation of the multi-wavelength interferometer was demonstrated on a scaled hardware version of the JWST in an environment with vibration and thermal drift.
doi:10.1117/12.926530 fatcat:5kzep63zmrgvbc7y2l3m2zrsp4