Evolution of density and velocity profiles of matter in large voids

M. Tsizh, B. Novosyadlyj
2016 Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics  
We analyse the evolution of cosmological perturbations which leads to the formation of large voids in the distribution of galaxies. We assume that perturbations are spherical and all components of the Universe - radiation, matter and dark energy - are continuous media with ideal fluid energy-momentum tensors, which interact only gravitationally. Equations of the evolution of perturbations in the comoving to cosmological background reference frame for every component are obtained from equations
more » ... f conservation and Einstein's ones and are integrated by modified Euler method. Initial conditions are set at the early stage of evolution in the radiation-dominated epoch, when the scale of perturbation is mush larger than the particle horizon. Results show how the profiles of density and velocity of matter in spherical voids with different overdensity shells are formed.
doi:10.17721/2227-1481.6.28-33 fatcat:ye4hectmrzdilavinlucip5bey