Ecology of Porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) and Colorado Tick Fever Virus in Rocky Mountain National Park, 1975–1977

Robert G. McLean, Andrew B. Carey, Larry J. Kirk, D. Bruce Francy
1993 Journal of medical entomology  
The involvement of porcupines, Erethizon dorsatum (L.), in the ecology of Colorado tick fever (CTF) virus in Rocky Mountain National Park was investigated from 1975 to 1977. Porcupine dens and feeding activity were found mostly on rocky knolls or on south-facing slopes within open stands of the montane coniferous forest, and 20 adult porcupines were trapped or captured by hand at those locations. An average of 24.6 ± 5.4 adult Dermacentor andersoni Stiles ticks were found per animal (annual
more » ... e, 17.5-31.4 ticks). The minimum CTF virus infection rate of the ticks removed from porcupines varied from 129 to
doi:10.1093/jmedent/30.1.236 pmid:8433332 fatcat:yyaomzmov5ex3edabyzcqzliyi