Electrical Generator's Manufacturing through Recycled Materials for Self-consumption

Francisco Javier Balbás, Javier García, José Ramón Aranda, Alberto Ceña
2019 Journal of Energy and Power Engineering  
The reduction of the useful life of some technologies for various reasons currently generates a large amount of electronic waste whose main destination is landfills located in underdeveloped countries. On the other hand, the lack of availability of electrical energy can encourage the use of other less efficient means of generation with a greater environmental impact. To overcome these problems, it is proposed to recover certain wastes in the manufacture of small wind turbines for use in the
more » ... truction of these countries. This article provides a practical example of the design of the electric machine and its performance in building with the positive social, economic and environmental impact of the regions involved.
doi:10.17265/1934-8975/2019.10.003 fatcat:gtyyi2bcrffvfg25evx6ofu4ee