Methods for the initial (non-laboratory) assessment of unfitness for driving caused by psychoactive substances
Metody wstępnej (nielaboratoryjnej) oceny niezdolności do prowadzenia pojazdów powodowanej przez substancje psychoaktywne

Piotr Engelgardt, Maciej Krzyżanowski, Przemysław Piotrowski
Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology  
The psychophysical impairment of drivers caused by psychoactive substances is still a common and important factor in road accidents. While in the case of ethyl alcohol the initial detection of drivers who have consumed alcohol is not a problem due to the widespread use of breathalyzers, other psychoactive substances are a problem. These substances are a group of numerous, variously acting and regularly growing compounds. In this publication, the authors have reviewed the methods used worldwide
more » ... or the initial detection of psychoactive substances, i.e. saliva testers and elements of the medical examination grouped into test kits, which can be used as part of routine police control, and have also assessed their usefulness. New methods of detection based on the evaluation of pupils and eyeball mobility, which are still in the process of improvement, were also discussed.
doi:10.5114/amsik.2018.75946 pmid:29895139 fatcat:uw2fssvatrcxnbhy6tccncqlzq