Some Perspectives on Overcoming Communication Challenges in the Selected Novels Fatou Diome, Gloria Naylor, Leonora Miano, Pamela Jooste and Walter Mosley

Gilbert Munab Njah
2022 South Asian Research Journal of Arts Language and Literature  
This article entitled "Some Perspectives on Overcoming Communication Challenges in the Selected Novels of Fatou Diome, Gloria Naylor, Leanora Miano, Pamela Jooste and Walter Mosley", analyses both genetic and biological disparities from childhood that characterize the lives of boys and girls till adulthood in society. Thus, Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (Diome), The Women of Brewster Place (Naylor), Tels des astres éteints (Miano), Dance with a poor man's Daughter (Jooste), and RL's Dream (Mosley),
more » ... motivated their use to raise an awareness campaigns on female conscientization against a male conspiracy built on the law of silence against the female gender, resulting in male marginalization, of women in gender relationships through diverse cultural and religious practices represented by the corpus. In order to achieve this goal, the following analytical tools were used: feminist criticism, post-colonialism and Africana Womanism. The hypothesis is based on the fact that the corpus underscores gender conflicts that rock power is exercised against women through the channel of communication by men. The analysis concluded that female consciousness raising is a tool that women use to counteract any form of subjugation in patriarchal societies that struggle to their emancipation and freedom. Consequently, the analysis highlights the philosophical and ideological vision that all five authors have of their respective African and African-American societies, concerning gender equality.
doi:10.36346/sarjall.2022.v04i03.002 fatcat:hpypyv67kzbnlhkillbuyjvo5y