A Hybrid Protocol for SWIPT in Cooperative Networks

Pradeep Sethu Lakshmi, Mangalathu Gopalakrishnan Jibukumar
2021 Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
A promising technology for addressing network lifetime and energy bottlenecks in wireless networks is the Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT). In this paper, a Hybrid Time switching and Power splitting-based Relaying (HTPR) protocol for SWIPT in an Amplify-and-Forward (AF) network is proposed. The network consists of a source, relay, and destination in which the relay performs Energy Harvesting (EH) from the source signal and uses the harvested energy to transmit the
more » ... nal to the destination. A direct link exists between the source and destination, and the signals from the source and relay are combined by the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) method at the destination. Closedform expressions for outage probability are derived under delay-limited transmission to determine the achievable throughput at the destination in different transmission schemes. For a constant data rate, HTPR protocol with uniform and optimal EH ratios are considered for throughput maximization. To solve the optimization problem, the convex optimization technique Lagrange multiplier method and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions are used. Results show that the HTPR protocol has higher throughput than other SWIPT protocols at relatively high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
doi:10.15598/aeee.v19i1.3901 fatcat:vgnlkpnkazho5pg3s2yd64phmq