Occipital Encephalocele: A Case Report and Literature Review

Nadia Chmichi, Mariyam Benayada, Nada Douraidi, Maimouna Bouh, Oumaima Sarhdaoui, Hounaida Mahfoud, Najia Zeraidi, Ibrahim Rhrab, Amina Lakhdar, Aziz Baidada, Aicha Kharbach
2020 Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences  
Case Report An encephalocele is defined as the protrusion of brain tissue and / or meninges out of the skull through a congenital gap in the skull. It can be isolated or part of a polymalformative context, such as MECKEL syndrome. Thanks to the ultrasound a prenatal diagnosis can be made and reveals a cranial defect with a cerebral hernia of varying degrees, either the hernia is purely cystic or may contain echoes from brain tissue. The treatment of encephalocele is surgical, it consists of a
more » ... section of the dysplastic brain tissue, a systematic coagulation of the choroid plexus within the malformation, and in some cases a preservation without pressure of the healthy looking nervous tissue. The prognosis depend mainly on the size of the herniated brain parenchyma and the associated malformations. At the end of this observation we will focus on the occipital encephalocele, the prenatal diagnosis as well as its management.
doi:10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i12.007 fatcat:s6jzsz546jc7li4plsqeef3y3i