On Uncertainty Relations and Entanglement Detection with Mutually Unbiased Measurements

Alexey E. Rastegin
2015 Open systems & information dynamics  
We formulate some properties of a set of several mutually unbiased measurements. These properties are used for deriving entropic uncertainty relations. Applications of mutually unbiased measurements in entanglement detection are also revisited. First, we estimate from above the sum of the indices of coincidence for several mutually unbiased measurements. Further, we derive entropic uncertainty relations in terms of the Rényi and Tsallis entropies. Both the state-dependent and state-independent
more » ... ormulations are obtained. Using the two sets of local mutually unbiased measurements, a method of entanglement detection in bipartite finite-dimensional systems may be realized. A certain trade-off between a sensitivity of the scheme and its experimental complexity is discussed.
doi:10.1142/s1230161215500055 fatcat:ygikn73upbhopcplno4oslikwu