Research on Technical Sources of Private Enterprises - Based on Zhejiang Province

Wang Lei, Yi Xiao-mei
2006 2006 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering  
Due to the resources constraints, it is hardly for firms to acquire all the technologies they need just depending on their in-house research and development in today's highly competitive environment. Therefore, acquiring technologies by effective means becomes an important issue for firms as to technological management. Based on a sample of 213 private enterprises of Zhejiang province, which are divided into hi-tech private enterprises and traditional private enterprises according to technical
more » ... bilities, this paper studies the characteristics deeply in choosing technical sources of the two groups respectively, as well as reveals the significant differences between them. The paper also proposes some suggestions to private enterprises, especially to traditional private enterprises, and to government in order to promote technological innovation of private enterprises.
doi:10.1109/icmse.2006.314080 fatcat:iert4ahgqjenlpzgocpoaultq4