Neila Fathallah Raoudha Slim, Sofien Larif Houssem Hmouda, Jaballah Sakhri Chaker Ben Salem
2015 Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research  
Drug-induced pancreatitis is a rare but severe adverse drug reaction with an incidence of 0.1-2%. More recent reports have estimated an incidence of up to 5%. Over 500 medications have been associated with this disease. Recrudescence of pancreatotoxicity upon re-exposure to the suspicious drug is considered the more reliable evidence of drug-induced pancreatitis. A retrospective review of MEDLINE was conducted to assess clinical outcomes of positive drug re-challenge following possible
more » ... ced pancreatitis. A total number of 250 cases of drug-induced pancreatitis with positive re-challenge were identified, among which, 183 met inclusion criteria for analysis in our review. A broad spectrum of suspect drugs was identified. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs were incriminated in 30% of all cases, antibacterials in 18.6%, and cardiovascular agents in 10.9% of cases, immunomodulators in 11% of cases and gastro-intestinal drugs in 4.9% of cases. Improved identification and communication of possible drug-induced pancreatitis is needed to avoid potentially serious and/or fatal drug rechallenges. elevation of the level of amylases and lipases after restarting the suspect drug. Case analyses included age, sexe, suspected drug, dosage and length of drug exposure, associated medications, onset of pancreatitis, biology (amylasemia and lipasemia) and medical imaging.
doi:10.4172/2165-7092.s6-005 fatcat:sb7yjylw3zemtfey7gefxnyh3m