Prevalencia de niveles bajos de vitamina D en pacientes con cáncer de mama que viven en latitudes 21-22º Norte

R.F. González-Fisher, K. Buz, O. Álvarez Ordorica, S. Pérez-Jaime, E. Sotelo-Félix, H.J. González Riestra, A. Rolon Padilla
2016 Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral  
Objective: Vitamin D has been involved in various diseases, including cancer. Several studies have linked vitamin D levels with breast cancer. The aim of our study was to establish the importance of adequate vitamin D concentrations to prevent breast cancer. Materials and methods: The study included 76 patients. Dietary habits, sun exposure, body mass index (BMI), and skin type were evaluated. Vitamin D determination in serum was measured by liquid chromatography. Vitamin D receptor
more » ... was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Vitamin D ingestion was deficient in 18 patients and 22 controls; and sufficient in 6 patients and 30 controls, odds ratio of 4.09, confidence interval 95% 1.04-11.0, (p=0.016). Sun exposure was present in 9 patients and 15 controls; 15 patients and 37 controls had less sun exposure or used protection. Two patients and 13 controls had normal levels of vitamin D (30-60), two patients and 26 controls had low levels (20-30), and 18 patients and 12 controls had very low levels (<20). Odds ratio for patients with vitamin D serum levels of 20 ng/mL or less, or higher was 9, CI 95% 2.95-27.5, (p<0.001). These levels were independent from BMI. Conclusion: Low concentrations of vitamin D are strongly related to breast cancer in a region with high solar exposure. More studies are needed to confirm this relationship.
doi:10.4321/s1889-836x2016000400005 fatcat:xsjdcxfb6ffyjem2dvdd2m5rla