Dual-Pump CARS Temperature and Major Species Concentration Measurements in Laminar Counterflow Flames and in a Gas Turbine Combustor Facility

Mathew Thariyan, Vijaykumar Ananthanarayanan, Aizaz Bhuiyan, Sameer Naik, Robert Lucht, Jayavant Gore, Scott Meyer
2009 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition   unpublished
A gas turbine combustor facility (GTCF) has been built and operated for measuring temperature and major species concentrations using dual-pump CARS in combusting flows at above atmospheric pressure. The facility includes a stainless steel window assembly that allows optical access from three sides with a pair of thin and thick windows on each side. It is water-cooled and provides air film-cooling passages; thin windows are designed for thermal load while thick windows are designed for pressure
more » ... oading. High-speed imaging of combusting flows is performed using the center injector of a 9-point lean direct injection (LDI) device developed at NASA Glenn Research Center. The combustor is operated using Jet-A fuel at an inlet air temperature up to 670 K and combustor pressure up to 10 atm. In the future, dual-pump CARS temperature and major species concentration measurements will be performed in the GTCF. Spatial maps of both temperature and major species concentrations will be obtained by translating the CARS probe volume in axial and radial directions. These measurements will be used as validation data for CFD codes under development at NASA Glenn. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 5 -
doi:10.2514/6.2009-1442 fatcat:6hmuoe7oqrbmnnpgvmpwp2zl3a