A clinical investigation of malingering and psychopathy in hospitalized insanity acquittees

C B Gacono, J R Meloy, K Sheppard, E Speth, A Roske
1995 The Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law  
This study compares Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) scores, DSM-III-R diagnoses, and select behavioral indices between hospitalized insanity acquittees (N = 18) and hospitalized insanity acquittees who successfully malingered (N = 18). The malingerers were significantly more likely to have a history of murder or rape, carry a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder or sexual sadism, and produce greater PCL-R factor 1, factor 2, and total scores than insanity acquittees who did not
more » ... inger. The malingerers were also significantly more likely to be verbally or physically assaultive, require specialized treatment plans to control their aggression, have sexual relations with female staff, deal drugs, and be considered an escape risk within the forensic hospital. These findings are discussed within the context of insanity statutes and the relevance of malingering, psychopathy, and treatability to future policy concerning the disposition of insanity acquittees.
pmid:8845529 fatcat:4nbfugj5tzgz7g3qojxjgzd5dq