Recent Advances in Analytical Potentiometry with Ion-Selective Electrodes [and Discussion]

T. Fujinaga, J. D. R. Thomas
1982 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  
C h e m i s t r y , Faculty of S c i e n c e , Kyoto , Sakyo-ku, , Historical developments in analytical potentiometry are briefly introduced and compared with those in polarography and coulometry: in the discussion special emphasis is given to the selectivities of these methods. Next, recent advances are described in ion-selective electrodes of both the solid membrane and the liquid membrane types; an extremely small ion-selective reference electrode assembly made with a field effect
more » ... is described and the use of solid solvent as membrane material is discussed. The enhancement of the selectivity of anion electrodes by p -t e r t -o ctylphenol is introduced and the effect of the enhancement is explained after a discussion from a voltammetric standpoint of the mechanisms of potential generation at the electrode-solution interface. As an example of the applications of the ion-selective electrode, the use of the cationsensitive glass electrode for the measurement of the activities of metal ions in nonaqueous solvents is introduced.
doi:10.1098/rsta.1982.0055 fatcat:imo6mpajwra6jltqwt25fnc3ve