Relation between lead in surface tooth enamel, blood, and saliva from children residing in the vicinity of a non-ferrous metal plant in Belgium

R Cleymaet, K Collys, D H Retief, Y Michotte, D Slop, E Taghon, W Maex, D Coomans
1991 Occupational and Environmental Medicine  
Two groups of schoolchildren between seven and 12 years old residing in the vicinity of a non-ferrous industrial plant and exposed to lead (Pb) at a concentration that could cause health problems, were monitored. Concentrations of Pb in blood (blood-Pb), which were determined at regular six monthly intervals, were related to the Pb concentrations in surface tooth enamel (enamel-Pb). Acid etch biopsy samples of surface enamel were taken at the endofthe five yearstudyperiodin the first group (A)
more » ... nd after two years in the second group (B). Salivary Pb (saliva-Pb) concentrations were determined for the first study group on the same day that the enamel biopsies were performed. Calibration of the data was necessary-that is, blood-Pb concentration with respect to age and sex and enamel-Pb concentration with respect to etch depth and age. The blood-Pb concentrations declined with time. Surface enamel Pb concentrations correlated with blood-Pb concentration for the period starting with the pre-eruptive development of the incisors, related to blood-Pb concentration for a long time, and corresponded partly to the
doi:10.1136/oem.48.10.702 fatcat:rcraeeb44fdtnomjby5osxzowe