Natural little hierarchy from a partially goldstone twin Higgs

Zackaria Chacko, Yasunori Nomura, Michele Papucci, Gilad Perez
2006 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We construct a simple theory in which the fine-tuning of the standard model is significantly reduced. Radiative corrections to the quadratic part of the scalar potential are constrained to be symmetric under a global U(4) x U(4)' symmetry due to a discrete Z_2 "twin" parity, while the quartic part does not possess this symmetry. As a consequence, when the global symmetry is broken the Higgs fields emerge as light pseudo-Goldstone bosons, but with sizable quartic self-interactions. This
more » ... allows the cutoff scale, \Lambda, to be raised to the multi-TeV region without significant fine-tuning. In the minimal version of the theory, the amount of fine-tuning is about 15% for \Lambda = 5 TeV, while it is about 30% in an extended model. This provides a solution to the little hierarchy problem. In the minimal model, the "visible" particle content is exactly that of the two Higgs doublet standard model, while the extended model also contains extra vector-like fermions with masses ~(1-2)TeV. At the LHC, our minimal model may appear exactly as the two Higgs doublet standard model, and new physics responsible for cutting off the divergences of the Higgs mass-squared parameter may not be discovered. Several possible processes that may be used to discriminate our model from the simple two Higgs doublet model are discussed for the LHC and for a linear collider.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2006/01/126 fatcat:7k3y5r6icvgobomul4idhakiz4