Analysis of the Convergence of Regional Economic Growth in Beijing

Daqing Shen, Ruiqiang Wang, Nan Yi
2009 International Journal of Business and Management  
In this article, we studied the convergence of regional economic growth in Beijing. We divided 18 districts and counties in Beijing into four economic regions, utilized the method of Gini coefficient decomposition to educe the σ -convergence didn't exist in the regional economic growth of Beijing. At the same time, we utilized the panel data model and the spatial panel data model analysis to educe that the β -absolute convergence didn't exist in the regional economic growth of Beijing, but the
more » ... -conditional convergence existed, and analyzed the reason forming that β -conditional convergence.
doi:10.5539/ijbm.v3n10p52 fatcat:2aipm33clvdrvbwwiv2n2irnny