Interacting lattice systems with quantum dissipation: A quantum Monte Carlo study
Zheng Yan, Lode Pollet, Jie Lou, Xiaoqun Wang, Yan Chen, Zi Cai
Physical review B
Quantum dissipation arises when a large system can be split in a quantum system and an environment where the energy of the former flows to. Understanding the effect of dissipation on quantum many-body systems is of particular importance due to its potential relations with quantum information processing. We propose a conceptually simple approach to introduce the dissipation into interacting quantum systems in a thermodynamical context, in which every site of a 1d lattice is coupled
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... to its own bath. The interplay between quantum dissipation and interactions gives rise to counterintuitive interpretations such as a compressible zero-temperature state with spontaneous discrete symmetry breaking and a thermal phase transition in a one-dimensional dissipative quantum many-body system as revealed by Quantum Monte Carlo path integral simulations.