Research on College Graduates� Employment and Entrepreneurship Strategy�� Taking the Higher Vocational Students in Specialities for Producer Services Sector for an Example

Hong Li, Xiao-de Zuo
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 the International Conference on Education Technology and Information Systems   unpublished
According to the research on the employment and carving out situation for students in specialities for producer services sector of some higher vocational colleges in Foshan, Guangzhou, discuss under the status quo in the environment of economic development mode transformation, and the Pearl River Delta integration context, from the sustainable development of individual students ability, social needs , to vocational training and other aspects of local economic development needs to research
more » ... ts employment and carving out strategies, thus to garantee the provide of labor for relevant industries and the development of local economic.
doi:10.2991/icetis-13.2013.29 fatcat:ja2uxw66k5ejrlo5wjzt2jyy7u