Assessment of proximal, mineral composition and content of vitamin A and C of leaves and flowers from Lippia multiflora vegetable in Benin

Wilfrid Djengue Hihoto, Adjatin Arlette, Djehoue Rock, Bonou-gbo Zaki, Tiburce Odjo Codjo, Com Koukpo Zinsou, Jacques Fassinou Arsène, Tiko Gérard, Ahissou Hyacinthe, Dansi Alexandre
2022 African Journal of Biotechnology  
Lippia multiflora is a plant whose leaves and flowers are used as a food in Benin, so it is important to determine the nutritional properties of leaves and flowers of L. multiflora. Biochemical analyses for the determination of macronutrients, mineral salts and vitamins A and C on leaves and flowers of this leaf vegetable were done. The result indicates that the contents in leaves and flowers are, respectively: 5.44± 1.27 and 6.37± 1.61% for proteins, 13.17± 2.79 and 2.1 ± 0.54% for lipids,
more » ... ±0.09 and 12.53± 2.38% for carbohydrates, 19.65± 1.05 and 23.65± 0.46%, for fiber, 570±110.99 and 283.868± 26.64 mg/100 g for phosphor, 2872± 371.13 and 2755.83± 427.7 mg/100g for calcium, 683.5±113.35 and 2755.83± 427.7 mg/100 g for magnesium, 2009.83± 167.12 and 1722± 94.55 mg/100 g for potassium, 57.25± 14.97 and 46.75± 6.36 mg/100 g for iron, 64.47±10.73 and 40.52 ± 8.47 mg/100 g for vitamin A, 3511.5±200.03 and 2778.83±444.66 mg/100 g for vitamin C. In conclusion, leaves and flowers of L. multiflora are rich in nutrients and could constitute for this population an important food supplement.
doi:10.5897/ajb2021.17414 fatcat:2iux2mbsw5ei7mtgm7c6j7hvvy