The aesthetic elements of far east martial arts
Estetsko u borilačkim veštinama dalekog istoka

Aleksandar Filipović, Srećko Jovanović
2018 Fizička Kultura  
Since Far East martial arts have to be perceived as an integral part of the entire culture and tradition of China and Japan, their aesthetic character is inextricably tied to the dominant traditional notions of these cultures, such as the concept of the unity of opposites, known as the yin and yang; the concept of the Way (Tao) as a symbol of constant self-perfection; the idea of Chi or Qi energy that lls the Universe as well each individual, etc. ese ideas originate and are developed mostly
more » ... m religious-philosophical systems that formed and in uenced not only the martial arts tradition but all the layers of these two great cultures, performing arts included. Both performing and martial arts of the Far East have had an intertwined development, and strongly a ected each other. e aim of this study was to point out a similar base and essence in other segments of cultural tradition.
doi:10.5937/fizkul1801111f fatcat:tai2flulpjh2hd4sdiihgkxnuq