Implication of Wiener-Hopf method for synthesis of optimal intelligent control systems of NPP control objects

Vasilii Volodin, Andrej Tolokonskij, Anna Ivanova, Svetlana Podgorodetskaya, Berreksi Rabie
2020 Procedia Computer Science  
Intelligent control systems based on fuzzy logic and neural networks are meaningful to use in cases of small amount of information about control objects. Control quality in such systems depends not only on error signal value, but also on rate of his change, i.e., derivate of error signal. As different noises disturb signals from sensors, so problem of filtering of feedback signals appears. In paper, authors consider synthesis of optimal intelligent control systems of technological control
more » ... s of nuclear power plants with help of Wiener-Hopf method and fast Fourier transformation. Abstract Intelligent control systems based on fuzzy logic and neural networks are meaningful to use in cases of small amount of information about control objects. Control quality in such systems depends not only on error signal value, but also on rate of his change, i.e., derivate of error signal. As different noises disturb signals from sensors, so problem of filtering of feedback signals appears. In paper, authors consider synthesis of optimal intelligent control systems of technological control objects of nuclear power plants with help of Wiener-Hopf method and fast Fourier transformation.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.02.145 fatcat:lncjvk5gs5acdhgluuuzigioea