Computer Graphics and Fiber Dissection
Computer graphicsとfiber dissection

Yukinari Kakizawa, Kazuhiro Hongo
2015 Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery  
The fiber dissection technique for detecting neuronal fibers and tracts has been used since the beginning of the 17th century. The complexity of brain preparation and the time consuming execution of fiber dissection itself have led to the neglect of this method, particularly since the advent of MR diffusion tensor images, histological tracer techniques and other methods. We focused on difficulty of understanding the tertiary structure that is one of the weak points of the fiber dissection
more » ... . We used 3 dimensional models for each dissection step that were generated using freely available software to overcome this weak point. Nevertheless, this technique is still important and reliable, and it is particularly useful for providing neurosurgeons with a clearer understanding of the structure of the brain.
doi:10.7887/jcns.24.19 fatcat:xqwymf4fg5e3jlqk2w4tpe4jme