Clinical comparison between Mallampati grading and Cormack Lehane classification with endotracheal intubation

Hemali Doshi, Ashar Hasan, Dhruba Jyoti Bhaumik
2021 International Journal of Medical Anesthesiology  
Difficult airway management is one of the principal challenges faced by anaesthesiologists in their routine practice. Objectives: To evaluate the predictive value of Mallampati Classification with Cormack and Lehane grading for tracheal intubation and assess their correlation at direct laryngoscopy. Method: This comparative study was carried out in the department of anaesthesiology Sambhunath Pandit Hospital, Kolkata. One hundred patients between 18-85 years, undergoing elective procedures
more » ... general anaesthesia from all surgical specialties were included in the study. All were assessed preoperatively before surgery to know their Mallampati Class. The conduct of anaesthesia was kept uniform in all patients. The Cormack-Lehane grading was assessed prior to endotracheal intubation. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: No statistically significant correlation was found between the patient's Mallampati Classification and their Cormack Lehane grades or between Mallampati Classification and the number of attempts at intubation. However Cormack Lehane grades significantly correlated with difficult intubation. Conclusion: Mallampati Classification and Cormack Lehane grading is a good predictor for tracheal intubation, however they did not correlated grade to grade with each other.
doi:10.33545/26643766.2021.v4.i2c.254 fatcat:hyaaz435fjhadpsqwi2uwpmze4