Effect of Supply Chain Resilience on Organizational Performance among Selected Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenya

Peter Kosgey
2021 International journal of research and innovation in social science  
Every organizational main reason, together with supply chain resilience, ought to eventually lead to improved organizational performance. Those firms that have became resilient endeavor such proactive efforts as an essential or vital point of administrative consideration, are in a better position to enjoy a longer survival with manageability. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of supply chain resilience on organizational performance. The resource-based view theory (RVB) was
more » ... ed to ground this study. Explanatory research design was adopted, of a survey method conducted on selected manufacturing firms in Nairobi. The target population of this study was 478, Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 237 purchasing managers. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to test what was hypothesized in the study and specifically to establish the effect between the variables. The statistical results revealed that environmental uncertainty and information management had a positive and significant effect on organizational performance (β = 0.450; p<0.05; β = 0.230; p<0.05). This research in its conclusion showed the existence of interdependence of supply chain resilience with organizational performance. The study recommends that organizations should fully recognize the nature of fundamental inventory network resilience and have proceeded with center around looking for effective changes. Flexibility could be additionally contemplated with regards to dyadic purchaser provider connections.
doi:10.47772/ijriss.2021.5922 fatcat:szp4ayhmfndxxhjmo5o2zyiacu