Perspective of use of reclaimed lands of humid zone of Ukraine in conditions of climate fluctuations
Перспективи використання меліорованих земель гумідної зони України в умовах змін клімату

Ju. Tarariko, R. Sajdak, Ju. Soroka
2016 Visnyk agrarnoi nauky  
The purpose. To determine quantitative parameters and regularities of climatic fluctuations, in particular state of watering of Polissya zone, and to justify directions of development of water managements. Methods. Correlation, cluster and spectral analysises of retrospective databases of agro-meteorological indexes by regions of Ukraine; abstractlogical; comparisons and analogs. Results. It is fixed that for last decades in Ukraine, in particular in Polissya zone, there were essential climate
more » ... luctuations. Conditions of humidification of vegetation period have varied from wet and excessively wet to insufficiently wet. Conclusions. The gained results testify to necessity of revising existing strategy and practice of use of reclaimed lands of humid zone into direction of accumulation of moisture reserves during autumn-winter season and implementation of techniques of active regulation of water-air regime of soil.
doi:10.31073/agrovisnyk201607-10 fatcat:wk4aia57mbbhlelk5tyrfhlv3m