Students' perceptions and use of a new digital tool in teacher education

Monika Bader, Sarah Hoem Iversen, Tony Burner
2021 Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy  
This article investigates how student teachers of English at two different teacher education institutions perceive and use a new digital tool, OneNote Class Notebook. The intervention study explores student responses to and use of a specific digital tool implemented for a specific pedagogical purpose, namely to enhance formative assessment. The data consist of 128 reflection notes written by 40 student teachers during a semester and a focus group interview with three of the students. The
more » ... show that the students' attitudes towards the new tool varied considerably. Both the attitudes and the reported use were overwhelmingly related to the perceived ease of use, rather than the learningrelated potential of digital technology. On the other hand, the interview data show that at least some students are aware of the affordances provided by the digital tool for enhancing formative assessment. The article highlights that the transformational potential of digital artifacts rests on teachers and learners alike. The students need to be made aware of the pedagogical, and not just the practical, aspects of digital technology, and be willing to exploit it. The article concludes that more fundamental changes in students' working habits and their expectations of higher education may be required to truly harness the transformational power of digital technology .
doi:10.18261/issn.1891-943x-2021-01-03 fatcat:7bknuoksqjhetgwfjf3ppjngrq