Hidden Markov Models for Microarray Time Course Data in Multiple Biological Conditions

Ming Yuan, Christina Kendziorski
2006 Journal of the American Statistical Association  
In this simple model, we have only two states (D and E). The probability distribution of states at time 7 depends only on the state at time 6. Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State . . . . . D ? A Simple Markov Model (continued) The conditional distribution of states at time 7, given the state at time 6 is the same as the conditional distribution of states at time 7, given the complete sequence of previous states. The conditional distribution is usually given by a transition probability matrix. Time 7 State
more » ... Time 6 State D E D P(D|D) P(E|D) E P(D|E) P(E|E) A Simple Markov Model (continued) In this simple example, we have focused on times 6 and 7. More generally, we could have discussed times t-1 and t. The transition probability matrix is often the same for all t, but that is not necessarily the case and will not be the case in our application. Time t State Time t-1 State D E D P t (D|D) P t (E|D) E P t (D|E) P t (E|E)
doi:10.1198/016214505000000394 fatcat:kf5vpa5purh6hlfhmlq4vz2pci