Beyond Intelligent Vacuum Cleaners [report]

Don Brutzman
1993 unpublished
2 Working on the wrong problems Designing the ultimate autonomous vacuum The most sophisticated vacuum cle"aer in the cleaner is the quantifiable and clearly-defined goal of world picks up trash. Your mother can quickly tell you this symposium. It falls short of addressing the that picking up trash is a well-understood problem. As problems which most interest roboticists working in researchers we ought to be very unhappy that we still artificial intelligence. The painstaking progress and need
more » ... spend a few days wrestling with the pros and restricted performance of current mobile robots cons of various trash collection methodologies. apparently necessitates such a low-level review. Hopefully workshop participants will be able to Overcoming such challenges and setbacks is essential if conclude that this problem is solvable theoretically. robots are to become capable of operating in more practically and economically. We need to declare interesting regimes. Several questions are presented to victory and demonstrate success on numerous help evaluate whether a robotics research program lower-level robotics problems in order to proceed to the
doi:10.21236/ada280565 fatcat:rpky472nyrdaxnk3igyjplbmmy