Louis A. Kenney
2019 College & research libraries news  
LETTERS The editors have received the following letter com m enting on the A C R L policy statem ent on the M .L.S. degree. T he ed itors welcom e such com m ents from the m embership on policy statem ents. W e rec ognize not only our responsibility to report the news of A C R L to its membership but also the importance and value o f report ing the m em bership's com ments and re actions to A C R L. In this regard w e offer the pages of the News as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions
more » ... on matters o f concern to the m em bership' w ithin of course, the usual constraints o f space avail able.
doi:10.5860/crln.36.7.214 fatcat:2z5prrivlrg7zbe7a7ecjlplzu