Osteoarthritis: Current treatment principles and prerequisites for the development of personified therapy

Yu. A. Olyunin
2016 Sovremennaâ Revmatologiâ  
Osteoarthritis (OA) is not a single nosological entity, but it is a group of diseases with different origins. Nevertheless, the similarity of morphological and clinical manifestations of these diseases determines a common approach to their diagnosis and treatment. The ambiguous results obtained in a number of studies dealing with the treatment of OA can be largely associated with the heterogeneity of included patient groups. The development of OA is the result of combined influence of many
more » ... rs; it is not inconceivable that some of these factors in some patients may assume a dominant importance, determining the development of special OA types. It is likely that a few of these types: metabolic, inflammatory, traumatic, and subchondral bone change-induced ones, can be identified. The therapy chosen in terms of the pathogenetic type of the disease could provide better results than that performed in accordance with standard recommendations. However, today there are no clear criteria that could form appropriate patient groups.
doi:10.14412/1996-7012-2016-3-81-86 doaj:8e52b5b88ddd47f0a07a1f2b335dde88 fatcat:4zpxtkji35g55ewqua6ur4xjom