A maximum likelihood approach to infer demographic models

Yujin Chung
2020 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods  
We present a new maximum likelihood approach to estimate demographic history using genomic data sampled from two populations. A demographic model such as an isolation-with-migration (IM) model explains the genetic divergence of two populations split away from their common ancestral population. The standard probability model for an IM model contains a latent variable called genealogy that represents gene-specific evolutionary paths and links the genetic data to the IM model. Under an IM model, a
more » ... genealogy consists of two kinds of evolutionary paths of genetic data: vertical inheritance paths (coalescent events) through generations and horizontal paths (migration events) between populations. The computational complexity of the IM model inference is one of the major limitations to analyze genomic data. We propose a fast maximum likelihood approach to estimate IM models from genomic data. The first step analyzes genomic data and maximizes the likelihood of a coalescent tree that contains vertical paths of genealogy. The second step analyzes the estimated coalescent trees and finds the parameter values of an IM model, which maximizes the distribution of the coalescent trees after taking account of possible migration events. We evaluate the performance of the new method by analyses of simulated data and genomic data from two subspecies of common chimpanzees in Africa.
doi:10.29220/csam.2020.27.3.385 fatcat:ofbmu3fqt5dhvl4f4biioyun3m