Automação de subestações - sistema automático de alívio de carga [thesis]

Bruno Chueiri Musarra
AGRADECIMENTOS Agradeço aos meus pais, Delzinho e Mariene, e aos meus irmãos, Fellipe e Eduarda, que mesmo longe fisicamente estiveram sempre perto em minha mente e meu coração, gerando forças para minha graduação e pós-graduação. Agradeço aos amigos da Elipse Software, que viabilizaram minha frequência nas aulas do mestrado e forneceram informações necessárias para realização deste trabalho. Agradeço ao meu orientador, professor Jardini, por acreditar em meu potencial desde o início, por sua
more » ... enção e pelas sábias dicas para que este trabalho fosse produzido com qualidade. ABSTRACT This work consists on a study about load shedding applied to industries that use mixed systems on energy generation, where part of the electrical energy is generated by own process (co-generation) and the other part is supplied by the regional electrical system (concessionaire). The load shedding consists in a rapid and selective shut-off technique aiming to maintain the system under balance during power interruption events from the concessionaire. This work provides a literature survey over communication networks, the IEC 61850 standard, supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA) and load shedding techniques, which become tools that make possible to reach the work's goal: to propose a system based on a market SCADA software that runs its load shedding adaptive algorithm and pre-sensitize Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED's), connected according to preestablished standards by the IEC 6180 norm for shutting off some loads in a company with a mixed generation system in case of some supplying disturb from the concessionaire. The differential of the proposed system in this work consists in the capacity of the algorithm, run by the SCADA software, of simulating the occurrence of events that characterize losses in energy generation and sending commands to the IED's to shut off specific loads before an unbalance occurs. This way, the main contribution of this work is to present a predictor system against possible emergencies happening in the concessionaire, that is, as the system provides a joint approach between the SCADA system's algorithm and the properly connected IED's, it provides the capacity of pre-sensitizing the load shedding before real events of electrical energy generation loss occur.
doi:10.11606/d.3.2013.tde-01082013-145434 fatcat:a55p6y6jzbddffn4taxgjbjvae