3-Lie bialgebras (Lc,Cd) and (Lc,Ce)

Bai Ruipu, Guo Weiwei
2016 Mathematica Æterna  
In this paper, we discuss the structure of four dimensional 3-Lie bialgebras of type (L c i , C d ) and (L c i , C e ) for i = 1, 2, 3. It is proved that there do not exist 3-Lie bialgebras of types (L c i , C d ) and (L c i , C e ) for i = 1, 2 (Theorem 3.2), and there exist only three classes of 3-Lie bialgebras of types (L c 3 , C d ) (Theorem 3,3), and two classes of 3-Lie bialgebras of types (L c 3 , C e ) (Theorem 3.4). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B05 17D30
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