Plug-and-Play Robust Voltage Control of DC Microgrids

Mahdieh S. Sadabadi, Qobad Shafiee, Alireza Karimi
2017 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid  
The purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamical systems with polytopic uncertainty for modeling and control of islanded DC microgrids under plug-and-play (PnP) functionality of distributed generations (DGs). We develop a robust decentralized voltage control framework to ensure robust stability and reliable operation for islanded DC microgrids. The problem of voltage control of islanded DC microrgids with PnP operation of DGs is formulated as a
more » ... onvex optimization problem with structural constraints on some decision variables. The proposed control scheme offers several advantages including decentralized voltage control with no communication link, transient stability/performance, plug-and-play capability, scalability of design, applicability to microgrids with general topology, and robustness to microgrid uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed control approach is evaluated through simulation studies carried out in MATLAB/SimPowerSystems Toolbox.
doi:10.1109/tsg.2017.2728319 fatcat:gxytwwgcv5hwlcv4g2mwmpbu6q